Choroba dużej wątroby i śledziony w stadach kur - aktualna sytuacja epidemiologiczna w Polsce

Alina Wieliczko Anna K. Matczuk Katarzyna Ćwiek

Chorobę dużej wątroby i śledziony (Big Liver and Spleen Disease - BLS), opisywaną także w literaturze jako syndrom zapalenia wątroby i splenomegalii kurcząt (Hepatitis- Splenomegaly Syndrome - HSS) wywołuje ptasi wirus zapalenia wątroby typu E (avian Hepatitis E Virus - aHEV) należący do rodziny Hepeviridae, rodzaju Orthohepevirus. W obrębie tego rodzaju opisano 4 gatunki nazwane Orthohepevirus od A do D.
1.            Bartczak R., 2014. Długoterminowa obserwacja enzoocji BLS (Big Liver and Spleen Disease) na fermie rodzicielskiej brojlerów. Polskie Drobiarstwo, Suplement Zdrowie, s 25-28.
2.            Hsu I.,W., Tsai H.,J., 2014. Avian hepatitis E virus in chickens, Taiwan. Emerg Infect. Dis. 20, 149–151.
3.            Kwon H.,M., Sung H.,W., Meng X.,J., 2012. Serological prevalence, genetic identification, and characterization of the first strains of avian hepatitis E virus from chickens in Korea. Virus Genes, 45, 237–245.
4.            Marek A., Bilic I., Prokofieva I., Hess M., 2010. Phylogenetic analysis of avian hepatitis E virus samples from European and Australian chicken floks supports the existence of a different genus within the Hepeviridae comprising at least three different genotypes. Vet Microbiol, 145, 54-61.
5.            Massi P., Tosi G., Gelmetti D., Lavazza A., Lombardi G., Torcoli G., 2005.: Big liver and spleen disease in broiler breeders in Italy. J Anim Sci, 4, 303-305.
6.            Matczuk A.,K., Ćwiek K., Wieliczko A., 2019. Avian hepatitis E virus widespread among chickens in Poland and belongs to genotype 2. Archives of Virology, 164, 595-599.
7.            Meng X.,J., Shivaprasad H.,L., 2013. Avian Hepatitis E virus infections. In: Swayne D.,E., et al., editors. Diseases of Poultry. 13th Edition. Wiley -Blackwell Publications, pp 494-500.
8.            Morrow C.,J., Samu G., Matrai E., Klausz A., Wood A.,M., Richter S., Jaskulska B., Hess M., 2008. Avian hepatitis E virus infection and possible associated clinical disease in broiler breeder flocks in Hungary. Avian Pathol. 37, 527–535.
9.            Peralta B., Biarnes M., Ordonez G., Porta R., Martin M., Mateu E., 2009 Evidence of widespread infection of avian hepatitis E virus (avian HEV) in chickens from Spain. Vet Microbiol, 137, 31–36.
10.          Smith D.,B., Simmonds P., Izopet P.,J., Oliveira-Filho E.,F., Ulrich R.,G., Johne R., Koenig M., Jameel S., Harrison T.,J.,   Meng X.,J., Okamoto H., Van der Poel W.,H., Purdy M.,A. 2016. Proposed reference sequences for Hepatitis E virus subtypes. J Gen Virol 97, 537-542
11.          Sun Z.,F., Larsen C.,T., Dunlop A., Huang F.,F., Pierson F.,W., Toth T.,E., 2004. Genetic identification of avian hepatitis E virus (HEV) from healthy chicken flocks and characterization of the capsid gene of 14 avian HEV isolates from chickens with hepatitis-splenomegaly syndrome in different geographical regions of the United States. J Gen Virol 85, 693–700.
12.          Troxler S., Pać K., Prokofieva I., Liebhart D., Chodakowska B., Furmanek D., Hess M., 2014. Subclinical circulation of avian hepatitis E virus within a multiple-age rearing and broiler breeder farm indicates persistence and vertical transmission of the virus. Avian Pathol 43, 310-318.
13.          Zhao Q., Liu B., Sun Y., Du T., Chen Y., Wang X., 2017. Decreased egg production in laying hens associated with infection with genotype 3 avian hepatitis E virus strain from China. Vet Microbiol, 203, 174–180.
14.          Zhao Q., Sun Y., Zhao J., Hu S., Zhao F., Chen F., 2013. Development and application of an indirect ELISA for detection of antibodies against avian hepatitis E virus. J Virol Methods 187, 32–36.



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