Zastosowanie alternatywnych źródeł białka roślinnego, a jakość produktów drobiarskich

Katarzyna Perz, Marcin Hejdysz

Jakość produktów drobiarskich, jest aspektem niezwykle istotnym podczas prowadzenia produkcji drobiarskiej. Wysoka jakość uzyskiwanych produktów - mięsa i jaj, przy korzystnych ekonomicznie nakładach, jest od lat celem producentów drobiu. Konsumenci świadomi wielu aspektów produkcji, mają ściśle określone wymagania.
•             Ashayerizadeh i in. 2018. Effects of feeding fermented rapeseed meal on growth performance, gastrointestinal microflora population, blood metabolites, meat quality, and lipid metabolism in broiler chickens. Livestock Science. 216.183-190.
•             Dal Bosco i in. 2013. Effect of Faba Bean ViciaFaba Var. Minor) Inclusion in Starter and Growing Diet on Performance, Carcass and Meat Characteristics of Organic Slow- Growing Chickens. Italian Journal of Animal Science. 12:4. (e76). 472-478.
•             Dotas i in. 2014. Effect of dietary field pea (Pisumsativum L.) supplementation on growth performance, and carcass and meat quality of broiler chickens. Livestock Science. 164. 135–143.
•             Dz.U. 2018 poz. 2430, Ustawa z dnia 22 listopada 2018 r. o zmianie ustawy o paszach.
•             Fru – Nji F. i in. 2007. Effect of Graded Replacement of Soybean Meal by Faba Beans (Viciafaba L.) or field Peas (Pisumsativum L.) in rations for Laying Hens on Egg Production and Quality. The Journal of Poultry Science. 44. 34-41.
•             Igbasan i Guenter. 1997). The Influence of Micronization, Dehulling, and Enzyme Supplementation on the Nutritional Value of Peas for Laying Hens. Poultry science. 76. 331-7.
•             Kosicka-Gębska i Gębski. 2014. Wpływ Wyróżników Jakości Na Zachowania Konsumentów Mięsa. Roczniki (Annals). Polish Association of Agricultural Economists and Agribusiness. Tom XVI. Zeszyt 1. 98-194.
•             Krawczyk i in. 2015. The effect of dietary yellow lupine (L. Luteus cv. Baryt) on growth performance, carcass characteristics, meat quality and selected serum parameters of turkeys. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences. 24. 61-70.
•             Laudadio i Tufarelli. 2010. Growth performance and carcass and meat quality of broiler chickens fed diets containing micronized-dehulled peas (Pisumsativum cv. Spirale) as a substitute of soybean meal. Poultry science. 89. 1537-43.
•             Laudadio i Tufarelli. 2012. Effect of treated field pea (Pisumsativum L. cv Spirale) as substitute for soybean extracted meal in a wheat middlings-based diet on egg production and quality of early laying brown hens. Arch.Geflügelk. 76 (1). 1–5.
•             Mierlita D. 2015. The Effect of Lupine Seed in Broiler Diet on Animal Performance and Fatty Acids Profile of their Meat. Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Animal Science and Biotechnologies. 72. 188-193.
•             Mikulski i in. 2014. The effect of different blue lupine (L. angustifolius) inclusion levels on gastrointestinal function, growth performance and meat quality in growing-finishing turkeys. AnimalFeed Science and Technology. 198. 347–352.
•             Milczarek A. Osek M. 2017. Wartość odżywcza wybranych elementów jadalnych tuszek kurcząt brojlerów żywionych mieszankami z bobikiem. NaukaPrzyrodaTechnologie. Tom 11. Zeszyt 2. 135-144.
•             Park i in. 2016. Effects of lupin seed supplementation on egg production performance, and qualitative egg traits in laying hens. VeterinárníMedicína. 61. 701-709.
•             Przywitowski i in. 2016. The effect of dietary high-tannin and low-tannin faba bean (Viciafaba L.) on the growth performance, carcass traits and breast meat characteristics of finisher turkeys. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 221. 124-136.
•             Sasyte i in. 2017. Effect of extruded full-fat rapeseed on egg quality in laying hens Europ.Poult.Sci. 81.
•             Smulikowska i Rutkowski. 2018. Zalecenia Żywieniowe i Wartość Pokarmowa Pasz dla Drobiu. V. Instytut Fizjologii i Żywienia Zwierząt im. Jana Kielanowskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk.
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