FPD – środowiskowy i ekonomiczny problem producenta kurcząt rzeźnych, cz. I

Monika Michalczuk Katarzyna Maria Jędrzejewska Brygida Kruzińska Aleksandra Kalińska Anna Siennicka

Zapalenie skóry poduszki stopy (ang. foot pad dermatitis) jest polietiologiczną chorobą skóry, opisaną po raz pierwszy u kurcząt brojlerów w latach 80. XX wieku (Shepherd i Farchild, 2010). Występuje w wielu krajach, również w Polsce – najczęściej u kurcząt brojlerów i indyków rzeźnych. Przynosi duże straty z powodu obniżenia wartości rzeźnej tuszek oraz mniejszych przyrostów masy ciała. W produkcji drobiarskiej stanowi element oceny dobrostanu stad zwierząt i wpływa na ekonomikę produkcji.
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4.     CENGIZ O., HESS J. B., BILIGILI S. F., 2012a. Influence of graded levels of dietary sodium on the development of footpad dermatitis in broiler chickens. Journal Applied Poultry Research 21, 770-775
5.     CENGIZ O., HESS J. B., BILIGILI S.F., 2012b. Feed enzyme supplementation does not ameliorate foot pad dermatitis in broiler chickens fed on a corn-soya bean diet. British Poultry Science 53, 401- 407
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7.     DE JONG I. C., LOURENS A., VAN HARN J., 2015. Effect of hatch location and diet density on footpad dermatitis and growth performance in broiler chickens. Journal Applied Poultry Research 24, 105-114
8.     EICHNER G., VIEIRA S. L., TORRES C. A., CONEGLIAN J. L. B., FREITAS D. M., OYARZABAL O. A., 2007. Litter moisture and footpad dermatitis as affected by diets formulated on an all-vegetable basis or having the inclusion of poultry by-product. Journal Applied Poultry Research 16, 344-350
9.     EKSTRAND C., ALGERS B., SVEBERG J. 1997. Rearing conditions and foot-pad dermatitis in Swedish broiler chickens. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 31, 167-174.
10.    EL-WAHAB A. A., RADKO D., KAMPHUES J., 2013. High dietary levels of biotin and zinc to improve health of foot pads in broilers exposed experimentally to litter with critical moisture content. Poultry Science 92, 1774-1782
11.    FERGUSON N. S., GATES R. S., TARABA J. L., CANTOR A. H., PESCATORE A. J., FORD M. J., BURNHAM D. J., 1998. The effect of dietary crude protein on growth, ammonia concentration, and litter composition in broilers. Poultry Science 77, 1481-1487
12.    FLORES C., WILLIAMS M., PIENIAZEK P., DERSJANT-LI Y., AWATI A., LEE J. T., 2016. Direct-fed microbial and its combination with xylanase, amylase and protease enzymes in comparison with AGPs on broiler growth performance and foot-pad lesions development. Journal Applied Poultry Research 25, 328-337
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14.    HASHIMOTO S., YAMAZAKI K., OBI T., TAKASE K., 2011. Footpad dermatitis in broiler chickens in Japan. Journal Veterinary Medical Science 73 (3), 293-297
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17.    Instrukcja GLW w sprawie postępowania przy przeprowadzaniu kontroli dobrostanu brojlerów kurzych w gospodarstwie na podstawie badania ubojowego z dnia 5 lipca 2017 r.
18.    KAPELL D. N. R. G., HILL W. G., NEETESON A.-M., MCADAM J., KOERHUIS A. N. M., AVENDANO S., 2012. Genetic parameters of foot-pad dermatitis and body weight in purebred broiler lines in 2 contrasting environments. Poultry Science 91, 565-574
19.    KARAMANLIS X., FORTOMARIS P., ARSENOS G., DOSIS I., PAPAIOANNOU D., BATZIOS C., KAMARIANOS A., 2008. The effect of a natural Zeolite (clinoptilolite) on the performance of broiler chickens and the quality of their litter. Asian-Australasian Journal Animal Science 21, 1642-1650
20.    KJAER J. B., SU G., NIELSEN B. L. SORENSEN P., 2006. Foot pad dermatitis and hock burn in broiler chickens and degree of inheritance. Poultry Science 85,1342–1348
21.    KORELESKI J., ŚWIATKIEWICZ S., ARCZEWSKA A., 2010. The effect of dietary potassium and sodium on performance, carcass traits, and nitrogen balance and excreta moisture in broiler chicken. Journal Animal Feed Sciences 19, 244-256
22.    KRASNODĘBSKA–DEPTA A., KONCICKI A., 2003. Kontaktowe zapalenie skóry u kurcząt i indyków. Medycyna Weterynaryjna 59 (3), 208-212
23.    KYVSGAARD N. CHR., JENSEN H.B., AMBROSEN T., TOFT N. 2013. Temporal changes and risk factors for foot-pad dermatitis in Danish broilers. Poultry Science 92, 26-32
24.    MCILROY S.G., GOODALL E.A., MCMURRAY C.H. 1987. A contact dermatitis of broilers – epidemiological findings. Avian Pathology 16, 93-95
25.    MELUZZI A., FABBRI C., FOLEGATTI E., SIRRI F. 2008a. Survey of chicken rearing conditions in Italy: Effect of litter quality and stocking density on productivity, foot dermatitis and carcase injuries. British Poultry Science 49, 257-264
26.    MELUZZI A., SIRRI F., FOLEGATTI E., FABBRI C., 2008b. Effect of less intensive rearing conditions on litter characteristics, growth performance, carcase injuries and meat quality of broilers. British Poultry Science 49, 509-515
27.    MICHALCZUK M., DAMAZIAK K., PIETRZAK D., ŻBIKOWSKI A., BEREBECKA E. 2014. Wpływ system ogrzewania na wyniki produkcyjne oraz zapalenie skóry podeszwy stopy kurcząt brojlerów. Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych 579, 59-66
28.    NAGARAJ M., WILSON C. A. P., SAENMAHAYAK B., HESS J. B., BILGILI S.F., 2007a. Efficacy of a litter amendment to reduce pododermatitis in broiler chickens. Journal Applied Poultry Research 16, 2, 255–261
29.    NAGARAJ M., HESS J. B., BILIGILI S. F., 2007b. Evaluation of a feed-grade enzyme in broiler diets to reduce pododermatitis. Journal Applied Poultry Research 16, 52-61
30.    NIKOLAKAKIS I., DOTAS V., KORGOPOULOS A., HATZIZISIS L., DOTAS D., AMPAS Z., 2013. Effect of natural zeolite (clinoptilolite) on the performance and litter quality of broiler chickens. Turkish Journal Veterinary and Animal Sciences 37, 682-686
31.    SHEPHERD E.M., FAIRCHILD B.D. 2010. Footpad dermatitis in poultry. Poultry Science 89, 2043-2051
32.    SIRRI F., MINELLI G., FOLEGATTI E., LOLLI S., MELUZZI A. 2007. Foot dermatitis and productive traits in broiler chickens kept with different stocking densities, litter types and light regimen. Italian Journal Animal Science 6 (supp. 1), 734-736
33.    SØRENSEN P., SU G., KESTIN S. C. 2000. Effects of age and stocking density on leg weakness in broiler chickens. Poultry Science 79, 864–870
34.    SUN Z. W., YAN L., ZHAO J. P., LIN H., GUO Y. M., 2013. Increasing dietary vitamin D3 improves the walking ability and welfare status of broiler chickens reared at high stocking densities. Poultry Science 92, 3071-3079
35.    ZĄBEK K., KONEFAŁ K., KRYSZCZAK J., GOLAN I., KALIŃSKA A., KRUZIŃSKA B., DAMAZIAK K., BOGDAŃSKA K., MICHALCZUK M., 2018. The effect of paper substrate type used at the beginning of rearing on foot pad dermatitis (FPD) occurrence and production results of broiler chickens. Ann. Warsaw Univ. of Life Sci. - SGGW, Animal Science 57 (1), 77-82



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